The main objective of the ECYSAP project is to develop and implement of innovative theoretical foundations, methods and research prototypes integrated towards providing a European operational platform for enabling real-time Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA) with rapid-response defensive capabilities and decision-making support for military end-users. An integrated and modular platform for National/European security purposes and military expeditionary operations will be developed, which shall become a real-time defensive system with cyber response capabilities, automated and deployable in areas of operations (National/European) interconnected between intelligent nodes.
ECYSAP shall produce capabilities for taking charge of the impact of cyber threats at mission level, and of potential future threats.
ECYSAP shall produce artefacts for managing the whole CoA decision life-cycle at both cyber and mission levels, up till their enforcement.
Views shall offer a whole operational picture based on conventional military symbols and also present CONcept of OPerationS (CONOPS).